Dhaka’s Hindu Heart

It beats and throbs like an adrenaline-soaked sprinter racing through the heart of Dhaka’s old city. Hindu Street, a long, narrow road with cracked sidewalks where bicycle rickshaws and pedestrians jostle for space on its narrow throughway while women in … Continued

Scavenging Old Dhaka for the Present Past

It’s hard to imagine much ever changes in Dhaka’s crowded, frenetic old city. Rickshaws still clog its arteries. Soot spilling trucks narrowly squeeze through the scrum. Men wearing plaid headscarves plod the streets while women in saris glowing orange, lime … Continued

Buddha’s Golden Rock

In Southern Burma, a gilded rock hangs precariously on the edge of a mountaintop, suspended by a single hair of the Buddha. The sun shimmers on its glowing face while pilgrims meditate and paste gold leaf at its foot. According … Continued

Broke Down Palace, well Bangladeshi Ricksaw

There’s no time for a breakdown in Old Dhaka, whose narrow roads are framed by crumbling buildings and offer little wiggle room for a disabled rickshaw, let alone car. Despite this, Old Dhaka’s abuzz with commerce and people haggling in … Continued

Dhaka’s Dusty Streets

Sprawl, dust and chaos are words that screech to mind wandering through the streets of Dhaka, the Bangladeshi capital with 17-million inhabitants. Amidst the cacophony of sounds, smells and crowds of hawkers offering everything from blessed amulets to freshly butchered meat still bleeding and … Continued

The Merchant(s) of Savar

Shops and street vendors line the streets of this bustling city, an hour away from Dhaka, the Bangladeshi capital. Some have established stands built into buildings, almost like a take out stand in the US. Others spread a blanket on … Continued

Being a kid in Bangladesh. Not always fun and games.

Each culture defines childhood differently. For us in the west, childhood doesn’t usually entail work – maybe a paper route or lemonade stand – and real employment doesn’t start until high school. Yet for many countries in the developing world, … Continued

Perfection to a Tea

A photo of the fileds in Srimangal, Bangladesh at the Bangladesh Tea Research Institue.  

Tasty Tea Country Treats

Sun baked villages blend into tea plantations like the rows of crowded tea-trees striped through the Bangladeshi countryside. At the end of a dusty road, just before a three-way Y intersection sits a small shack with bolts of light crackling … Continued

The Road to Bangladeshi Tea Country

Tea in south Asia is serious business. Everyone know’s India’s Darjeeling teas, but Srimangal? Across the border in north eastern Bangladesh, Srimangal is a dusty town surrounded by rolling fields and tea plantations that produce some of the worlds most delicious … Continued