There’s No Place Like Home (First)

  More than 63,000 men, women, and children sleep in New York City’s homeless shelters each night (1). Circumstances may differ but the fact remains the same: with nowhere to go and no one to turn to, entire segments of … Continued

The Sierra’s Astounding Beauty

The beauty of nature often astounds. Especially in Sequoia National Park. Amber sunsets cast evening spells over the Sierra Nevada Mountain’s jagged peaks, turning the backcountry into a surreal cascading world of light. The below photos capture this heavenly, nightly … Continued

The Big Picture

Day three in, Sequoia National park carried us deeper into the wilderness, to Big Five Lakes, a series of lakes carved into the earth millions of years ago by traveling glaciers. On windless days, the surrounding mountains, caused by collisions … Continued

Sequoia’s Reflection Eternal

Deep in the Sequoia wilderness, silence overwhelms the senses, casting a deafening emptiness through the land. The silence, so complete, causes the body to listen inward; the throbs of the thumping heart and the body’s ambient whine become a droning … Continued

Where Days Melt into a Sequoia Night

After a long day on the trail, hiking through rocky valleys and up the Sierra Nevada Mountain’s craggy peaks, there’s nothing better than relaxing at your campsite, watching the day melt into night. At Sequoia National Park the honey dew … Continued

Buddha’s Windswept Prayers

  Oceans of color flutter in the sky like a kaleidoscope of parrots migrating with the breeze. The heavens of Lumbini, the birthplace of Buddha, are alight with prayer flags: blue, white, red, green and yellow, each representing a natural … Continued

A Birth That Shook the World

  Nearly 1500 years ago, a child’s birth sent shockwaves through Asia and the globe that continue to shape people and ideas to this day. The child’s mother, Queen Mayadevi, gave birth in Lumbini, in what is now southern Nepal and where … Continued

Terms of Abandonment

  Abandoned mansions crumbling and fading under the glaring Bangladeshi sun line the once prosperous street in Painam Nagar, a forgotten village near Dhaka. Built by wealthy Hindu merchants between 1895 and 1905, their former owners fled the country after … Continued

A Living Wall of India

  Fading walls, chipped and grimy frame India’s sooty streets and Agra, the Taj Mahal’s home, takes no exception. A few hundred yards from the Taj’s glowing perfection, I found the wall. Just a normal wall in India, but on … Continued

With or Without You

Fleeting moments breathe a serenity to an image and turn a quiet whisper into a beautiful harmony. Thoughts?