The Golden Hours of Amritsar

Sunset and sunrise cast a dramatic light on the mundane and not-so mundane. Nature’s golden sky or a riot of colors glowing from man-made lights often shape our perception and emotional response to the world around us. The same thing … Continued

The Sierra’s Astounding Beauty

The beauty of nature often astounds. Especially in Sequoia National Park. Amber sunsets cast evening spells over the Sierra Nevada Mountain’s jagged peaks, turning the backcountry into a surreal cascading world of light. The below photos capture this heavenly, nightly … Continued

Angkor Wat’s Dancing Walls

Light creates romance, saturating the curves and shadows of Angkor Wat’s beautifully ornate carvings in a dewy glow. Temple visitors are smitten by an overwhelming awe of Angkor’s jagged, heavenly architecture. Fewer tourists explore the temples later in the day … Continued

Angkor Wat

Surrounded by dusty jungles and situated within a former bastion of Khmer Rouge rebels, the temples of Angkor inspire millions of tourists each year with their amazing architecture and mystical symbolism. Built between the 9th and 15th centuries by the … Continued

Vietnam’s Dynamo

Three weeks in Vietnam exploring from Ho Chi Minh City in the south to Hanoi in the north (including a few beaches, the former colonial French town Dalat, set in the highlands of western Vietnam and a foray into the … Continued