Falmouth’s Not so Foul Mouth

Its name sounds like a naughty school child (but with a hard T at the end). Time-worn cobblestones line the streets of this historic Jamaican port town founded in 1769 and named after the similarly named English town in Cornwall. … Continued

Scavenging Old Dhaka for the Present Past

It’s hard to imagine much ever changes in Dhaka’s crowded, frenetic old city. Rickshaws still clog its arteries. Soot spilling trucks narrowly squeeze through the scrum. Men wearing plaid headscarves plod the streets while women in saris glowing orange, lime … Continued

Being a kid in Bangladesh. Not always fun and games.

Each culture defines childhood differently. For us in the west, childhood doesn’t usually entail work – maybe a paper route or lemonade stand – and real employment doesn’t start until high school. Yet for many countries in the developing world, … Continued

Another Brick in the Bangladeshi Wall: Part 2

An estimated 15 billion bricks are produced in Bangladesh each year by an industry that employs nearly 2,000,000 workers during the peak season and 800,000 during the off-season. At the nearly 1,200 brick kilns surrounding Dhaka, workers often live in … Continued

Another Brick in the Bangladeshi Wall: Part 1

Scattered around Dhaka, Bangladesh’s chaotic capital, brick factories cut and bake the foundation of the countries breakneck building boom. Despite recent initiatives to improve efficiency and reduce green house gasses, Bangladesh’s brick making produces 6-million tons of CO2 annually, according … Continued