Bolts of lightning shattered the New York City sky tonight as the heavens exploded in streaks of light.
The show started early as a riot of buttery yellows and tangerine oranges traced the fading sun to bed and ushered in nature’s electric performance.
By dark, lightning bolts – some singular and thick, others spindly like a shattered pane of glass – filled the sky and illuminated the mass of clouds hovering over New York City’s skyline in a bleached, bone white broth.
The Freedom Tower’s 408-foot spire and its 288 LED lights serve as a beacon of light and seducer of nature’s raging power and I captured their grace from my roof.
Tell me what you think of the view.
PS: I’m lucky to have the consummate assistant/wife who held the umbrella and made sure the camera stayed dry and the photos possible. So as promised: muchas gracias.