Kathmandu and Nepal assume a mythic place in popular culture; between Bob Seeger’s 70s crooning “I’m going to Kathmandu” and as a gateway city to the jagged Himalayan peaks, the city’s a confluence of cultures swirls among its dusty, rutted streets.

Often no wider than a ford Escort and maybe a pedestrian on bicycle, surprises tease Kathmandu’s explorers (read travelers) and aimless wanders (of which I fall into both groups).

When walking by temples, Nepali Buddhists make absolutions and place chalk on the effigies carved into doors, walls and the freestanding statues often surrounding temples. Even a lonely shrine carved into a brick wall assumes religious significance, a distraction from the otherwise secular roadway.

Famous temples perched on hillsides surround the city and I’ll be posting some photos from up on high.

Have a great turkey (or Tofurky) day and I look forward to sharing more Nepali photos soon.


One Response to “Up to the mountains Where I’m going To….Kathmandu”

  1. bryan

    Love the photos and can’t wait to get there. Happy thanksgiving to you.


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